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Low-Carbon, High-Performance Building

Comfort / Efficiency Update

Propel that old house into the 21st century with an audit to identify deficiencies behind & beyond cosmetic.  Remedies such as boosting insulation, air sealing, and HVAC upgrades can be discussed, prioritized, and tailored to meet each homeowners’ specific goals & budget.

Natural Building

Grounding life in the beauty, elegance and simplicity of traditional building methods and materials.  Conventional stick frame construction may make sense in the Northwest but let’s explore alternatives for aesthetics and lower embodied energy.

Green-Building Consulting

Prepare for third party certification with: energy modeling, thermal bridge review, materials selection, active / passive solar assessment, indoor air quality strategies, air sealing oversight, and basic building science review..


Self Reliance

Water: rain catchment (potable and non-potable); gray water; composting toilets.  Renewable energy: solar, micro-hydro, wind; grid tied and/or battery backup. Permaculture: land / food integration

Home Performance Review

Catch issues missed in most home inspection reports.  An audit of mechanical/HVAC and building envelope upgrades new homebuyers can use during purchase negotiations to reap long-term comfort and savings.

Deep Energy Retrofit

Remodeling for a new era: exterior insulation, triple-pane windows, thermal bridge mitigation, airtight air sealing, heat recovery ventilation; ultra high efficiency appliances, water heating, and space conditioning.

domestic Tranquility

…a means and an end for We the People


…a Residential General Contractor

(Working to build a more perfect Eugene)

Benefit Company

Structured as a benefit company domestic Tranquility is committed to being part of the solution, working to minimize human impact, and building social justice for all.  Biomimicry serves as a guiding principle: resource efficiency imitates natural systems and allows flourishing diversity and abundance.


The Cascadia Subduction Zone requires those of us in the Northwest to focus on resilience.  Furthermore as Kathryn Schulz sums up in her Pulitzer Prize winning The New Yorker article “The Really Big One”:

“The Cascadia situation, a calamity in its own right, is also a parable for this age of ecological reckoning, and the questions it raises are ones that we all now face. How should a society respond to a looming crisis of uncertain timing but of catastrophic proportions? How can it begin to right itself when its entire infrastructure and culture developed in a way that leaves it profoundly vulnerable to natural disaster?”

Resilience is also the natural evolution of green building.  As the US Green Building Council characterizes their priority:

“Like globalization and sustainability before it, resilience is the mot juste for a forward thinking world facing numerous multidimensional threats, hazards and disasters. Resilience is not just the right descriptive word; it is the right paradigm, requiring foresight and broad societal understanding and support. The concept of resilience is especially suitable in a world more interconnected, more urbanized, more complex, and yet more fragile than ever.”

G. Goodwin Swafford

Trained as a Certified Passive House Consultant in 2009 Win enjoyed several years at the bleeding edge of green building offering energy modeling to St. Vincent de Paul on the first certified multi-family Passive House in the nation.  With ecobuilding pioneer James McDonald from 2005-2015, Win enjoyed working on the full spectrum of green building projects from earthen floors to zero energy homes.  Subsequently, in Neil Kelly’s Home Performance division, he honed cost-effective solutions for homeowners wanting to save money and experience greater comfort in their conventionally built homes.  Now finally he is working on a demonstration project building a low-carbon-high-performance accessory dwelling unit (ADU) in his back yard.  Read all about it in the new blog!



Phone: 541-915-3072

Email: info (at) resilienteugene (dot) com